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The Bible | April 5th

"All Scripture is breathed by God ..."

2 Timothy 3:16

Genesis to Revelation is all the Word of God. Moses, Isaiah, Hosea, John, Peter, Paul, and the prophets were all carried along by the Holy Spirit. The author of the Bible is the Eternal Almighty God.

Because God is the author of Scripture, it is anointed, possesses authority, and gives eternal life. The Word of God is timeless. Culture and public opinion can not determine what is to be received or rejected from the Bible. Scripture judges culture and the heart of the individual.

God has revealed Himself through His word and what God commands of us concerning our relation to Him and one another. The Bible is sufficient, infallible, and divinely inspired. Therefore, it is incumbent upon us to seek God through His word, to receive it as daily bread for life and godliness. Without the Word of God, we remain ignorant of righteousness and hopeless in this world.

Take up the Bible today and set your mind upon it for the salvation of your soul.

In Christ Alone,

Pastor Wight

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