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The Camel's Back | Feb. 26th

"He will deliver you from six troubles; in seven no evil shall touch you."

Job 5:19

Is there a straw that broke the camel's back? We are familiar with this idiom of the camel's back. It expresses the feeling when we have reached a breaking point. We cannot possibly endure another thing.

This verse exclaims that God will help us in six of our troubles, but not as a literal number. Six represents there is no limit to how many times God will help. Seven is the excessive amount beyond six. In all possible troubles, the Lord will help. No matter what form trials may come in or how frequently evil shall destroy you. Because of God's grace, there is not a straw that shall break our back. We belong to the Lord we shall be delivered.

God in all things is working it for the good of your salvation. Nothing can befall us outside of His providence. There is nothing that can separate us from His lovingkindness. He is an ever-present help, and no one will ever experience shame for trusting in Him.

In Christ Alone,

Pastor Wight

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