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The Door is Open | Revelation 4:1

"After this I looked, and behold, a door standing open in heaven!"

Revelation 4:1

Beloved, have you ever held the door open for another person, or has someone held the door for you? It is always a kind jester, especially if you are trying to escape the weather.

Can you imagine the door of heaven standing open to you? Have you considered this door has not always been open unto you and that someone else had to open it? Only the one who descended and ascended into heaven has the right and authority to open heaven unto us.

Christ is the one who has opened heaven unto us. He is the door, the way, and the life. None can come to the Father except in Christ. Jesus has made a way for you to the Father and the throne of grace. Come today beloved, lay down your heavy burdens, and sit at the feet of God. Heaven has been opened unto you. The day is approaching when you shall see heaven for yourself.

In Christ Alone, Pastor Wight

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