"In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will direct your paths."
Proverbs 3:6
Have you entrusted your future to God? To be more specific, is there a current circumstance on the forefront of your mind that concerns you today?
We bring situations to the Lord in prayer that we constantly replay in our minds. We imagine our response to the different circumstances or potential outcomes. Each scenario played over and over, can lead to further anxiety.
Beloved, in our act of bringing everything to God in prayer, we must trust His providence. We must believe that God will give us the grace to receive whatever the outcome is in any event in life. That His mercy is involved and that the Lord is always with us. God is willing and able to help us. The Lord will keep us from all evil and no good thing will He withhold.
Do not weary yourself by trying to imagine what will be or how things will turn out. Acknowledge the Lord today and in all your decisions. The details of your life are before God and He is working all things for your redemptive good. We may not always understand, but God knows the beginning to the end and what is best.
In Christ Alone,
Pastor Wight