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The Signature of God | Nov. 14th

"I will put my law within them, and I will write it on their hearts."

Jeremiah 31:33

Beloved, have you ever had a foreign object stuck in your eye? You could not remove it without assistance because you could not see it. You were helpless because of your condition.

The hopeless condition of having our vision impaired resembles our inability to write the law of God upon our hearts. We cannot put the law of God within ourselves or have it inscribed upon our hearts so that it becomes a part of who we are.

The Spirit of God is the only one who can put the law within us. The hand of God alone can write His law upon our hearts. We are powerless to do so and often lack the desire. As we seek help in momentary blindness, may we seek the Lord to write upon our hearts. With humility, let us seek the help of God and surrender our hearts to Him. The Lord is willing and able to write His law and purposes in our lives.

In Christ Alone,

Pastor Wight


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