"He came to the disciples and found them sleeping for sorrow, and he said to them, ' Why are you sleeping? Rise and pray that you may not enter into temptation."
Luke 22:45-46
There is a sorrow so profound that it wearies the soul and body. One can only imagine the strain on the disciples that night. To hear Jesus speak of His suffering, to know that one would betray Him, and soon, Jesus would not be with them. To observe and hear the agony of Jesus praying in the garden was more than they could bear.
It is understandable that they were in this condition. Yet their loving Savior and Friend encouraged them to remain faithful in prayer. This would be the remedy for their heavy hearts, and strength would come through the grace of God. Jesus was not scolding them but encouraging them.
Beloved, perhaps some great sorrow has wearied your heart. The trials of life have become more than you can bear. You have lost your hope and slipped away into the sleep of sorrow.
May you hear the loving encouragement from your Savior. Though the flame of faith is faint, He will not snuff it out. Bring yourself in prayer before the throne of grace. Call to the Lord He will answer you. Christ is in the dark garden of sorrow with you but He has overcome and will lead you out in victory.
In Christ Alone,
Pastor Wight