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The Watchman | June 7th

"So you, son of man, I have made a watchman for the house of Israel."

Ezekiel 33:7

One morning, I observed a Canadian goose watching over her goslings while they fed. She stood tall with her head erect, looking intently around to ensure all was well.

This visual sight brought this verse to mind. God called Ezekiel to watch intently over the house of Israel. He was to get the proper message to God's people when needed. The pastor of today carries a similar responsibility. Pastors are called by God to keep watch over the Lord's people and are prepared to warn of any threats to the church while faithfully nourishing them.

The greatest comfort is that there is one watchman over all our souls. Jesus Christ, He is our King, Priest, and Prophet.

He is faithfully watching over us and renewing our spirits. There is nothing to fear while we are in the care of our Lord. He watches over us with warnings and exhortations. Let us receive His care this day and be not anxious for nothing.

In Christ Alone,

Pastor Wight

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