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There is Help | Aug. 23rd

"Call upon me in the day of trouble; I will deliver you, and you shall glorify me."

Psalm 50:15

Beloved, are you in trouble this day? Are you overwhelmed with a burden, a test too overwhelming for your heart? Call upon the Lord. He is ever present to help.

The Lord is the master of the breakthrough, who can change all things, for nothing is too hard for Him. In love, the Lord may not answer immediately or in the way you have requested, but He will certainly work all things for your good.

God has promised not to forsake you. His mercy be made new for you, and His grace will be sufficient for anything you face. Call upon the Lord in your trouble. He is near to you and willing to help. You will see the goodness of the Lord and glorify His name.

In Christ Alone,

Pastor Wight

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