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Thought | Aug. 21st

"Oh, how I love your law! It is my meditation all the day."

Psalm 119:97

When I was a child with my dad in the car, he often asked me what I thought as I looked out the window. Sometimes, my mind was wandering or observing what we were passing by. I am not sure what my dad was looking for. Perhaps he just wanted to talk with his son. It did make me aware of my thoughts. What was I thinking about and why?

Our thoughts reveal what is most pressing on our minds and can also reflect what we love and value most. If someone is always thinking about themselves, we say they are self-centered and oblivious to others. If someone displays thoughtfulness towards others, we say they are kind and gracious.

Above all, may we follow the example of the Psalmist, having our minds set upon the word of God. Scripture should be something we do not merely give a passing thought to. It must be something that we think long and hard about. Let us give it much contemplation through prayer and quiet reflection. Nothing is more important for our minds to dwell upon than the Bible.

In Christ Alone.

Pastor Wight

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