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Troubled Hearts | September 22, 2023

"Let not your hearts be troubled; ye believe in God, believe also in me." -John 14:1

O troubled heart, hear the invitation of the Lord to trust in Him. Why should your heart not be troubled? The God of all creation knows you by name, and He knows all you face now! There is nothing He cannot see, and He will not forsake you at no time. If you were alone, then there would be cause for despair. But the Lord is at work! His providential care is in your life. The Lord, in kindness, will supply what you need and bring you closer unto Himself.

These heavy troubles can be brought to the Lord. He will renew your strength and assure you that He is with you, a fortress and help. Bring this day's burdens to the Lord. Bring them even if your heart is filled more with trouble than faith, for He will not turn you away. Let not your heart be troubled; trust in the Lord.

In Christ Alone,

Pastor Wight

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