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We Do Not See Now | April 12th

"Though you do not now see Him, you believe in Him..."

1 Peter 1:8

Peter was exhorting the early Christians for their faith in Christ, though they did not have the privilege to witness Jesus in His earthly ministry. They did not see the miracles firsthand or hear the sermon on the mount. These Christians came to faith by the preaching of God's word.

There are times when Christians go through diverse trials. Times in which our eyes of faith still do not see Christ. We cannot make sense of our circumstances and are unsure of what God is doing. We may say to ourselves and others, " I do not see God in this."

However, even in such times, we find faith in our hearts. Such faith does not come from ourselves but by the grace of God. The Spirit of the Lord carries us and enables us to keep trusting in the Lord. Though we do not see Him now, we know that a day is coming when we will. The circumstances will change, and things will become clear.

We long for the day when our eyes of faith behold Him, but there is a day coming when our physical eyes shall see Him finally. A day when faith is not needed and when Christ makes all things new. When all of God's people will dwell with Him forever. What a glorious day that will be. Though we do not see Him now, we believe, waiting for the day our eyes shall behold Him.

In Christ Alone,

Pastor Wight

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