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Weak Hands | May 8th

" let not your hands grow weak." 

   Zephaniah 3:16

  To grow weary in well-doing is not an uncommon occurrence. The godly person who desires the righteousness of the Lord in their life will feel the weight of their old nature. The pull from the spirit of this age will buffet the believer, and the enemy will try to snare one committed to walking the narrow path. 

   The testing of our faith and the trials of being a part of a fallen world all cause weariness. It plagues the mind, spirit, and heart. Every child of God will feel the burdens and cares. How does one not let their hands grow weary? How is our faith to persevere?

    "The Lord your God is in your midst, a mighty one who will save; "

  Zephaniah 3:17

   God Himself will lift you, beloved. He will carry you by His mercy. The grace of God will be sufficient, and the Holy Spirit will empower you. Trust the Lord today. He is in the midst of your life and is mighty to save.

In Christ Alone,

Pastor Wight

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