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When Trouble Comes | Oct. 16th

"Trouble and anguish have found me out, but your commandments are my delight."

Psalm 119:143

Trouble and anguish do have a way of finding us, no matter how much we try to avoid this duo. They come uninvited and unannounced. Usually, they arrive at the most inopportune time and stay longer than anyone would want.

The child of God discovers in such moments that the word of God has a sustaining power. Scripture becomes the foundation to stand upon and the anchor to cling to. Amid the trouble and anguish, through scripture, peace abides, and faith secures the saint. Calming fears and bringing a hopeful expectation of the faithful goodness of God.

Beloved, if trouble has found you and anguish has come upon you, know that goodness and mercy are present. God will overcome the problem and anguish while working all things for your good. You will not be put to shame for trusting in the Lord

In Christ Alone,

Pastor Wight

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