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Where Shall We Go | Jan. 10th

"Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life.."

John 6:68

The word of God tells us that in life we shall have tribulation. We do not always understand the full scope of what this means until we are in the midst of something beyond what we can bear. In these trials, we are forced to reconcile with our fears and doubts whether we will hold to the word of God or look for some other anchor for the soul.

Thankfully, the Lord is patient with us as we stumble about while we grasp things that cannot sustain us. Trial and error prove that there is only one source of eternal life. There is only One who can calm all our fears and bring peace to our hearts beyond what we understand.

We conclude that there is none other than the Lord. He alone gives life to our broken spirit. He is the Mighty Counselor and Prince of Peace. To Jesus, we bow our knees and ask for the living bread that feeds our weary hearts. Come to Him today, and you will find rest for your soul.

In Christ Alone,

Pastor Wight

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