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Wisdom from God | July 18th

"Blessed is the one who finds wisdom, and the one who gets understanding,.."

Proverbs 3:13

During the summer season, many people travel. So this entails looking for hotels, airlines, rentals, and the best route for a road trip. It takes time to research the best deals, and there is satisfaction in finding what you are looking for. Many things in life call for us to seek them out with a greater need and sense of accomplishment when attained.

Wisdom is something we must seek after. Scripture implies that wisdom is not common to everyone. We must seek the wisdom of God from Him. The promise is that we shall be blessed in finding the wisdom of God and obtaining understanding from His word.

The blessing is God Himself, and knowing His ways. There is a blessing of walking in His precepts and peace that comes from following the Lord. Let us set out to seek the wisdom of God today and to understand His ways.

In Christ Alone,

Pastor Wight

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