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Work for the Lord | May 10th

"Be strong, all you people of the land, declares the Lord. Work, for I am with you, declares the Lord of hosts,"

  Haggai 2:4

  God is with His people to do exploits in their midst, but we still have our part and must work. The Lord encouraged all of His people to be strong. 

   The encouragement from God remains with us today. We are to be strong because the Lord is with us. In this strength, we are to work for the Lord. The Holy Spirit equips every believer to help the body of Christ. Enable every child of God to be light in this world.

  It is upon us to work for the Lord and to use the grace God has given us for His glory. There is saving grace and the grace to work. Let us demonstrate that we have received both and be strong in the Lord as we work for Him. 

In Christ Alone,

Pastor Wight

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