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You Are Heard | Oct. 3rd

"Before they call I will answer; while they are yet speaking I will hear."

Isaiah 65:24

The cry for help can feel unanswered at times. When we look at our situation, we struggle to see the hand of God working all things for our good. We wonder when and how the trial will be taken from us. When such doubts come to us we must look to the word of God.

We are reassured that before we cry for help God will answer. While we are speaking He hears. The Lord knows all things and nothing is hidden from Him.

While you were praying God was already at work. Perhaps we do not see an immediate answer but rest assured the Lord's providence is already at work. We do not observe the tulip bulb planted months ahead but soon it breaks through the earth and before long a beautiful flower is seen. Many of our prayers take time to unfold. The delay is not because we were not heard, but rather because God is working in us as He is working on our behalf. Be encouraged, the call for help shall be answered.

In Christ Alone,

Pastor Wight

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