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You Are Surrounded | Oct. 14th

"His faithfulness is a shield and buckler."

Psalm 91:4

Are you struggling today, beloved? Do you feel the tension within, between your will and the Fathers? Is the spirit of this age assaulting your mind? Is the burden of your trials bringing you to a place of despair?

Then call on the Lord. Tell God that you are weary. Ask Him to strengthen you and to protect you amid the battle. Sometimes, we do not feel we can resist everything against us. Maybe you feel so exhausted it is hard to believe in God for the strength to carry on.

The Lord has promised to surround you with His protection. He has pledged to keep you and sustain you. The Lord will not leave you to yourself or allow the trials and the enemy to destroy you.

Ask the Lord to cover you in your weariness and fears. Ask God to preserve you and for His will to be accomplished. The faithfulness of God surrounds your life today.

In Christ Alone,

Pastor Wight

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